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Vorsis Vp8 Plus

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Vorsis Vp8 Plus

€ 3.304,00


De big / Small box van Vorsis fm, fm/hd ,am, am/hd ,mastering ,acc niet is vreemd voor de VP8 werkelijk alles zit in deze box de meest verkochte Vorsis in de Benelux.
Geen budget voor een van de Top boxes? maar je wilt wel een top sound zoals de " grote jongens" met deze VP8 ben je in no time onair met de GUI Lite en de meer dan 100 extra
Deze presets zijn speciaal ontworpen voor europese markt door onze eigen Danny Teunissen.
Dit preset pakket is gratis voor gebruikers die hun VP-8 hebben aagekocht via een NL Dealer.
Tevens is dit pakket ook los te koop voor gebruikers die hun vp-8 buiten de eurozone hebben gekocht of via de 2ehands markt.

XXL Pictures

Downloads :

VP-8 Plus Audio Processor (Hi-Res PDF)

VP8 Plus Software

AN2008-09 Using the VP8 for Studio and STL Preprocessing (pdf)


- Four band parametric EQ (either before or after the AGC)

- Four band linear-phase crossover with adjustable frequencies

- Smooth and clean Vorsis multiband dynamics processing

- Precision, 'no-swish' eight band multi-band limiter

- Highly specialized pre-processing algorithms extract the best possible audio quality from codec-based applications

- FM and AM modes equipped with an advanced distortion masked clipper for loud, clean, absolute FM and AM peak control

- FM mode equipped with 'Reference Grade' stereo encoder

- AM mode offers adjustable positive asymmetry up to 150% as well as low frequency tilt correction and dual transmitter outputs

- AM Mode features selectable low pass filters for 4.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 5.5 kHz, 6.5 kHz, 7.5 kHz, 6 kHz CCIR and 10 kHz NRSC

- Front panel setup and configuration menu eliminates the need for a PC during installation


Six Specialized Processing Modes

The VP-8 Plus incorporates six highly specialized, built-in processing modes that may be changed at any time by the user.

Special processing algorithms designed by Vorsis condition the audio appropriately for the special needs of each of the six operating modes. Audio is first pre-processed by a phase-linear four band AGC followed by an eight band multi-band limiter equipped with special mode-specific final processing.
The final processing algorithms are unique for each mode and have been carefully designed to meet the special requirements of the intended audio transport mediums.

Regardless of the operating mode, the VP-8 Plus offers the best listening experience of any audio processor in its price range.
The VP-8 Plus's built-in library of algorithms specifically addresses the special needs of FM, AM, FM-HD, and AM-HD, as well as High and Low bitrate codec applications.


Vorsis Bass Management System

A Vorsis innovation, the Vorsis Bass Management System (VBMS) circumvents bass-related distortion often plaguing audio processors.
By monitoring program energy in the audio spectrum and manipulating the behavior of the final peak limiter, bass-induced intermodulation distortion is prevented.
The result is improved bass impact and detail without affecting the clarity of mid and high frequency program -- in fact bass detail and the clarity of higher frequency audio are actually enhanced by the VBMS algorithm.


Smart Stereo Enhancement

Vorsis stereo enhancement incorporates a new technology that we call Smart Stereo Enhancement. Operating in the sum and difference domain and under the management of specialized automatic level and spectral management algorithms, the resulting stereo image is wide and acoustically stable with no ‘hole in the middle’ effect. Producing a sound that has great depth of detail and is exciting to listen to, artistically important nuances in music can be revealed for the very first time. In fact, Vorsis customers have reported hearing details in program material that were completely inaudible when the same material was processed by other brands of audio processing.


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Vorsis Vp8 Plus€ 3.304,00 
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